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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Right now: Eating pixie stix+doing homework(ugh)+being depressed+talking on msn

Hate today. Did not enjoy the lessons at all and is having a bunch of freakin homework on my desk. my friend helped me to tell on my partner for not contributing/doing her work for the freakin history game project. Kinda pity for her having to talk to mr ong...but oh well. Not my fault. Who are her NOT to do her work? I didn't. I told her to DO her WORK. I remind her like, EVERY SINGLE DAY. gosh.
So depressed these few days...school is not okay, friendship not okay, everything is NOT okay. i hate my life right now. Im scared, depressed, lost. its the kind where you're kinda mixed up and you have no idea who you are....i hate that feeling. makes me feel so uncomfortable.
Gotta do muh work right now
Kiss me in the rain,
Love me in the dark.
Hold me till the end,
Don't break my heart.

What do you live for?
1:16 AM

Monday, February 18, 2008
I dont get it...why must i work with her? Oh right...I dont have any other choices...bleh. this sucks. She doesnt do anything and she ACTUALLY gets mad at me for asking her whether she started her part yet. i mean, what the eff is wrong with her? She didnt start her part earlier so i gotta like, ask her or remind her or WHATEVER. i dont really give a damn about it now.
Anyhoo, knew that i passed for overall taody...yay!! thought i wouldn't coz of math...damn math. hate math. they always get me confused and end up not knowing how to do them...god. Afterall, secondary life might not be thatttt good...
Can't believe i got 59.3 for chinese. that's like, C6. so depressed about it. my aunty is gonna kill me...*sob sob*....but beside this chinese grade thingy magjiny, theres a whole LOT of other things to be depressed about...friendship, school grades, family stuff...blah blah blah...way too many that i can't even count MYSELF. i mean, this is totally lame. I'm tired of pretending to be happy and i can't anymore. Gosh. I dont get why must MY life get tangled up. Why not others? theres a whole lot of people that havent felt this way...oh well, i suppose i have to live wiht it....
Gotta go now anyways.
Have to sleep soon and gotta fix my bag for tommorow.
Byebye and sleep tight people. :)

What do you live for?
2:15 AM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

hey people

im totally new to this so i hope i will figure our how this works soon...:P

Some things about me:

I love expressing myself through poems and music

this probably means that i won't be able to live without it

theres two gals that i hate in my life

they were the ones that ruined MY life

and kinda backstabbed me

but whateva, i got true friends and i know it

i love doing sports- especially horse-riding

i have a passion for it, and i can't wait to take long courses this year :P

have a few amigas (best friends)- won't mention their names. got about 8 of them...i think

they rock my world.

they helped me with everything

big fan of.........

-Boys Like Girls

-Black and white pictures (so classic and vintage-y)

-Facebook, can never live without it

-Quotes, funny quotes, love quotes. Anything that actually can have me remember them


think thats all...oh right. a good friend of mine.

he makes me laugh so much that my stomach hurts

thats all you needa know about me.

all those main things are right up there

you won't needa know my name coz i don't really want my friends to find me here

THIS is MY private place

so don't come near it and BACK OFF

hehe...just kiddin


What do you live for?
5:35 AM


Bella and Edward

Name: Brittany Chan
Birthday: April 13th
Everything about you.

bold italics and underline

click here

cbox is recommended.


x x x x x

Memory Lane
February 2008